I’m attempting to catch up with all the books I read over the couple of months I didn’t update this blog (which is a lot), so I’ve decided to have…
Read more“Throne of the Crescent Moon” by Saladin Ahmed
I first heard about Throne of the Crescent Moon on John Scalzi’s blog – he has a series (“Big Idea”) where sci-fi/fantasy writers talk about a recent book and the…
Read more“Furies of Calderon” by Jim Butcher
I’m continuing on my relentless quest for new and awesome fantasy series’ with Furies of Calderon, the first book in Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series. I’ve read the first Dresden…
Read more“By Grace and Banners Fallen” by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
I’m apparently a total sucker for corporate gimmicks, but I figured $2.99 was an okay price to read By Grace and Banners Fallen (the prologue of A Memory of Light)…
Read more“The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1” by Alan Moore
I read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 last month, and it’s already fading a little, which is not a good sign. This is a pretty typical “superhero team assembles”…
Read more“King Leopold’s Ghost” by Adam Hochschild
My grasp on world history is somewhat lacking, and I’m always looking for good books so that I can fix that – Wikipedia tends to be too dry for me.…
Read more“Uncle Tungsten” by Oliver Sacks
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood was one of this books I just picked up on a whim, having never really heard of the book or the author. I’ve…
Read more“Redshirts” by John Scalzi
Redshirts is totally awesome. If you’ve ever watched Star Trek (the original series), you’re familiar with redshirts – the random extras in red uniforms that invariably meet a gory death,…
Read more“Yes, Chef” by Marcus Samuelsson
I’ve seen Marcus Samuelsson on a lot of TV shows and liked him a lot, so I was pretty stoked when I won Yes, Chef on LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers programme.…
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